Home News Ankle Pain After Running And Getting Treatment For Runners

Ankle Pain After Running And Getting Treatment For Runners


Running is a very good habit to keep one’s body performing optimally. Over the years, more people have taken to running than any other sport. It is simple, easy and doesn’t take much of your money either (other fitness programs do). There however is one risk that is involved with running, it is ankle pain. Running is cool till you experience its perils.

Ankle pain after running is generally the result of immense stress on the tendons and muscles present in your ankles. Muscles that are easily affected by stress generated while running is Achilles tendons, posterior and anterior tibial tendons, and peroneal tendons. These tendons can flare up under the immense pressures that your feet experience while running. Treatment options for such cases include medication, rehabilitation exercises, ice, and loads of rest!

, Ankle Pain After Running And Getting Treatment For Runners

Ankle pain after running can be credited to the runner’s shoes. Wearing inappropriate running shoes or ones that are not designed for your legs can result in an uncomfortable feeling while you run. These are sure to result in sudden twists that give rise to a lot of pain. Application of ice or painkiller sprays can temporarily control the pain and swelling, but medical guidance is required to effectively address the muscle tear. Shoe inserts can go long ways in providing comfort and supporting your legs while running in the future.

Ankle Pain Treatment – Get the best advice and avoid complications

Ankle pain after running can give rise to serious complications and are best left to be handled by medical representatives. Doctors advise patients to stay off their feet for a minimum of one week or till the healing process is well underway. This is necessary for the sense that, not doing so would put in more pressure on the damaged tendons and result in greater complications in the future. Hence, taking a week off from work is the best decision that one can take. Avoid all types of exercises that exert any pressure during this time.

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Ankle pain after running can result in mild to extreme swells that can be effectively treated by simple stretching exercises. These exercises are meant to loosen up the stiffness of the affected muscles are should not be done until you have started recovering. Runners can also resort to light calf raises to ease their ankle pains, and bring back strength in their legs.

On the medicine front, you can Buy Kratom, naproxen, ibuprofen, or other doctor-prescribed painkillers that can curb the inflammatory sensation in your ankles. These medicines are proven to significantly cut down on the degree of pain and speed up the recovery process. Also, you may try out the best ankle braces that can prove to be comfortable for you.


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